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    Chapter 6: Program Standards

    Fundamental Considerations Chapter 6


    What are examples of program standards?

    These describe aspects of an adult ESOL program that can demonstrate that it is able to support student learning.

    Group of Adult ESOL learners with instructor

    Program Standards

    Program standards can help you to ensure you have everything you need in the program when you are getting set up. They also can help you to review what you are providing to various stakeholders (those who have a connection to your program) as you evaluate how your program is doing. Program standards provide useful reference points for best practices that programs can aspire to achieve.

    At start-up, your class or program will not meet (or need to meet) all standards, but over time, you can choose to strengthen different aspects of your class or program, in a continuous improvement model using program standards as guidelines. The TESOL Standards book  located under the Examples & Tips tab, contains a helpful self-evaluation form.  


    ■ Examples of program standards


    TESOL Standards for Adult Education ESL Programs


    The TESOL Standards give programs an idea about what areas should be evaluated to determine the quality of the program. An in-depth discussion of what each standard means is provided, as well as ways to determine if the standard is met. It also contains clear guidelines for a program to do a self-evaluation on the standards and examples of different kinds of programs that have done that review. It demonstrates how you can score your program using a variety of measures for each standard and evidence you can use to back up your assertions. The TESOL Standards include standards for:

    1. Program Structure, Administration, and Planning
    2. Curriculum and Instructional Materials
    3. Instruction
    4. Learner Recruitment, Intake, and Orientation
    5. Learner Retention and Transition
    6. Assessment and Learner Gains
    7. Employment Conditions and Staffing
    8. Professional Development and Staff Evaluation
    9. Support Services

    Maryland Department of Labor Licensing & Regulation (DLLR) Adult ESL Quality Program Standards:


    These DLLR Standards address almost the same program aspects as the TESOL program standards above. Some of these are connected to specific requirements for federally funded programs, but there are clear guidelines for setting up an Adult ESOL program and then later determining how the program is doing. The DLLR Standards cover these areas:

    1. Program Structure, Administration and Planning 
    2. Curriculum 
    3. Instruction 
    4. Recruitment, Intake and Orientation
    5. Retention and Transition
    6. Assessment, Evaluation and Educational Gains
    7. Staffing, Professional Development and Staff Evaluation
    8. Support Services

    Each section has a number of standards and ways to measure if the standard is met.